As a young man, Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa, a Zulu from the South African province of Natal, was determined to follow in the footsteps of his grandfather and become a tribal historian in order to keep the rich oral tradition of his culture alive. In this book, begun in response to the injustices against Africans and their culture, he sets these legends down in writing. He begins with the creation myth, when Ninavanhu-Ma, the Great Mother, created the human race. From there, an epic unfolds, an intricate and vivid cultural tapestry populated by gods and mortals, cattle herders and supreme kings, witch doctors, lovers, grave diggers, warriors, and handmaidens. The story continues all the way up to the colonial era, when ...
Africa, African, Products, Children, Adults - Story Lovers World SOS
Indaba My Children: African Folktales by Credo Vusa'mazulu Mutwa. (1999) - Books - Ancient & Lost Civilizations
Indaba, My Children: African Folk Tales - Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa $19.99. Intelligent Intervention: The Missing Link in the History of Human Evolution - Robert PGW - Indaba My Children (9780802136046) - Publishers Group West
Indaba My Children African Folktales Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa Feb 1999. NONE Trade Paper $18.00 US ($23.50 CAN) 978-0-8021-3604-6 | 9780802136046 What Books are in Your Personal Library [Archive
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From the Bantu Creation Myth, recounted by Visamazulu Credo Mutwa in his book "Indaba My Children – African Folk Tales." Share. Indaba My Children By Media - DealTime
Indaba My Children: African Folktales. Amazon Marketplace - bücher - Indaba My Children: African Folktales - Credo
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"And especially not a starveling like you." — Credo Vusa'mazulu Mutwa, Vusamazulu C Mutwa in Indaba, My Children: African Folktales ISBN 0802136044, p.
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